Insanity in power!

The West (the Northern Western Hemisphere and Europe), based on an insatiable desire to export the same satanic values (as strategies) now destroying it, pushed them and NATO to Russia’s border, putting under threat Ethnic Russians living there and the Russian Border itself. They (the West) provoked the War in Ukraine and then incrementally escalated it in a pattern all knew and warned would reach the brink of extinction, at which humanity now finds itself. It is a reality (the verge of extinction) that those in power in the West deny, even after they lied all along the way, saying they, knowing the calamity it could bring, would never take us here.

The latest escalation, after munitions, tanks, and fighter jets, is to send Ukraine long-range missiles capable of striking deep into Russia while publicly stating the willingness and intention to do so.

Russia has responded by saying such strikes would be considered by it as an Act of War by the U.S. and NATO.

Such strikes by NATO, even if launched from Ukrainian soil, would be the first step into the nuclear abyss, which would very quickly escalate into an unrestrainable sequence of exchanges that would kill billions, definitely destroying all the Northern Hemisphere and most likely much of the Southern.

This moment is the time to STOP and realize those in power in the West are frantic (panicking) about losing their power and acting in irrational ways proving they are insane and further justifying their removal.

This analysis is the self-evident reality that humanity faces. Behold, I set before you life and death. Choose life!

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